1. 熟悉CUP规则
- 首先CUP使用python pep8规则, 所有新增代码必须遵守.
- Python新增代码需要进行规范化代码注释, 和原生python的sphinx规则保持一致
def lock(self, msg, blocking=True):
lock the file
:param msg:
Msg that will be logged.
:param blocking:
If blocking is True, will block there until cup gets the lock.
True by default.
return False if locking fails
:raise Exception:
raise cup.err.LockFileError if blocking is False and
the lock action failed
flags = 0x1
2. 撰写代码
3. 发起评审和代码Merge操作
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- Request for comments and Start a pull Request