1. Versions Released
Version 2.1.0 - 2019.2.1 ~ 2019.5.10
* [New] cup.net.get_interfaces - Get interfaces of a linux host
* [New] cup.res.linux.get_cpu_core_usage - Get cpu core usage
* [Enhancement] cup.shell.oper - Md5 hexdigest generation (py3 compatibility)
* [New] Py3 compatibility test and reconsutrction is undergoing
* [Enhancement] cup.shell.oper - Change subprocess.Pipe(shell=True by default to shell=False)
* [Bug] github socket closure (https://github.com/baidu/CUP/issues/32)
Version 2.0.0 - 2018.6.2 ~ 2018.12.31
* [New] pip support
* [New] cup.storage.obj - Add ftp/s3/local storage support (with universal apis)
* [Bug] cup.net.localport_free - Reversely result returned
* [Bug] cup.net.async - Msg class class variable
* [Bug] cup.net.async - logging typo
* [Bug] cup.net.async - Msg disorder bug (an import bug fix!)
* [New] cup.net.async - Add get_context related class method
* [Bug] cup.decorators - fix wrap exception
* [Bug] cup.unittest - Fix bug for assert_lt
* [Bug] cup.res.linux - Add support for customized linux kernel
* [Enahcnement] cup.net.set_sock_keepalive_linux - add exception catch code lines
* [Enhancement] Use rtd (read_the_doc theme) to reconsutrct cup api-doc
Version 1.6.1 - starting from 2018.2.5 ~ 2018.6.1
* [New] cup.shell.is_proc_alive - Add optional to abandon vim|less|vi|tail|cat|more or custom filter
* [Bug] cup.shell.get_pid - Fix grep to surely abandon vim|less|vi|tail|cat|more
* [New] cup.log - Add support for stack manipulation, which can pop out function calls.
* [New] cup.err - Add UnImplemented exception class.
* [New] cup.exfile - Support temp files which will be removed immediately after the variable life ends.
* [Enhancement] cup.util.conf - support $ in a conf key
* [Doc] cup.shell - Fix doc bug.
* [New] cup.shell - Add grep support string with space
* [New] cup.storage.obj - Support common object storage apis including ftp, s3
* [Bug] cup.res.linux - Getting cpuinfo has bugs (new kernel 3.10)
* [Enhancement] - cup.util.threadpool, add daemon_threads as the parameter
that you can use to let the threadpool threads behave like daemon-thread
(when the main thread exits, it exits as well)
* [Enhancement] - conf.util.conf - support conf line "[.test] # comments"
Version 1.6.0 - starting from 2017.9.6 ~ 2017.12.29
* [New] cup.bidu.icafe - interact with baidu icafe.
* [New] MsgBroker - Add a broker for handling system failures
* [New] cup.
* [Bug] Linux Resource Query Bug - related to data columuns
* [Bug] cup.net.async - socket cannot be got.
* [Enhancement] cup.net.async - CUP utilization enhancement
Version 1.5.6 - starting from 2017.3.1 ~ 2017.9.5
* [Enhancement] async enhancement for stability
* [New] CycleIDGenerator for generating universally unique_id (ip, port
encoded as part of the id)
* [Enhancement] cup.net.async exits more quickly than before
* [Bug] cup.net.async - Fix CPU-utilization too high bug
* [Bug] cup.net.async - Fix getting-peerinfo bug
* [Bug] cup.res.linux - Kernel version was returned with a tuple
('2', '6', '32') which should be (2, 6, 32)
Version: 1.5.5 - staring from 11.18 ~ 2017.3.1
* [Enhancement] debug method for executor
* [async] CNeedAckMsg & retry mechnism added. CAckMsg added
Version: 1.5.4 - Starting from 2016.9 ~ 2016.11.11
* [Enhancement] generator supports staring point
* [Enhancement] catch exception socket.gaierror when it encounters network
* [Bug] Set up splitter other thant colon in a Configure2Dict with blanks and comments
* [Async] Support automatic msg retry
* [Async] Support ack msg
Version: 1.5.3 - Starting from 2016.6 to 2016.8
* [New] cup.util.conf - support $include "conf_file" syntax [write/read]
* [New] port free check. Listened port probe.
* [Enhancement] cup.net.async - enhance network write/read speed.
Example provided
* [Improvement] - Improve cup.log performance
* [Enhancement] cup.util.threadpool, callback function will receive
Exception object (param result) if it encounters error.
Version: 1.5.1 && 1.5.2
* [New] cup.log - add xxx_if
* [New] cup.thirdp - replace MySQLdb with pymysql.
* from cup.thirdp import pymysql
* import MySQLdb
* [New] cup.util.generator - get_random_str
* [Bug] cup.util.conf - bug fix
Version: 1.5.0
* [New] cup.jenkinslib - add jenkins lib with which you can operate on jenkins jobs
* [New] cup.log.parse - parse string line logged by cup.log.XXX
* [New] cup.unittest.assert_startswith
* [New] cup.oper - add contains_file which searchs a file and return its existence
* [Bug] cup.util.conf - fix "key comparation order" bug for Configure2Dict
* [Bug] cup.util.conf - fix HdfsXmlConf "eletemnt without value. e.g. <value/>
Version: 1.4.2
* [Bug] oper.is_proc_exist. fix a bug while check proc exist
* [New] Add cup.services.executor. Exec and delay_exec service
* [New] Add cup.services.buffers. Buffer releated feature. For easing
memory fragment.
* [Enahcnement] remove traceback in cup.util.threadpool
* [Enhancement] cup.log.reinit_comlog, if loggername has inited, raise
* [New] cup.log.get_inited_loggername, get has inited loggername
* [New] cup.shell.rmtree - add safemode support for shutil.rmtree
* [New] cup.const - add const value support inside cup
* [New] cup.conf - add HdfsConf support
* [New] cup.shell.get_pid - get process id by process_path and grep_string
Version: 1.4.1
* [New] assert_boundary, assert_local_file_eq 2015/4/19
* [New] Log level [warnning error fatal] splitted into file.log.wf
* [New] Hdfs
* [New] Smtp mail supports [cc/bcc]
* [Enhancement] Sms add return values
* [Bug] cup.util.conf - A sort method bug
* [Bug] sms cannot handle \n as line separator
Version: 1.2.0
- unittest
- [New] Add assert_not_eq
decorators Add
- [New] Add TraceUsedTime. For tracing used time in a function
- [Bug] Bug decorators.Singleton (May cause a thread hang)
- fix a bug which will block cup usage on windows
- add jenkins support