Source code for cup.util.conf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright: [CUP] - See LICENSE for details.
# Authors: Liu.Jia@baidu, Guannan Ma (@mythmgn),
    Complex and constructive conf support
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import time
import copy
import json
import codecs
import shutil
import warnings
import functools
from xml.dom import minidom

import cup
from cup import platforms

__all__ = [
    'Configure2Dict', 'Dict2Configure',

# pylint: disable=R0913
# to be compatible with py3 open
def _open_codecs(filename, mode='r', encoding=None):
    """open_codecs for py2 in order to support encoding"""
    return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)

class CConf(object):
    Depreciated class. Please do not use it. Use python configparser instead.
    def __init__(self, path, name, revert_version=''): = name
        self.path = path
        self.file_abspath = self.path + '/' +
        self.exclude = ['# ', '[']
        self.sep = ':'
        self.bakfile = self.path + '/' + + '.bak.' + revert_version

    def __del__(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.bakfile):

    def _backup(self, new_bakfile):
        shutil.copyfile(self.file_abspath, new_bakfile)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        with open(self.file_abspath) as src:
            value = ''
            for line in src.readlines():
                if len(line) > 0 and line[0] not in self.exclude:
                    spstrs = line.split(':')
                    k = spstrs[0].strip()
                    if k == key:
                        value = spstrs[1].strip()
        return value

    def __len__(self):
            This function should not be used
        return 0

    def update(self, kvs):
        update conf with a dict.

        dict = {'key' : 'value', 'key1': 'value'}
        with open(self.bakfile) as src:
            with open(self.file_abspath, 'w') as trg:
                for line in src.readlines():
                    if len(line) > 0 and line[0] not in self.exclude:
                        splist = line.splistlit(':')
                        k = splist[0].strip()
                        if k in kvs.keys():
                            line = k + ' : ' + kvs[k] + '\n'

    def revert(self):
        revert the conf
        os.rename(self.bakfile, self.file_abspath)

    def write_kv_into_conf(self, kvkvs):
        with open(self.file_abspath, 'w+') as fhandle:
            for i in kvkvs.keys:
                fhandle.write('%s:%s\n' % (i, kvkvs[i]))

class CConfModer(object):
    deprecated. Recommand using Configure2Dict / Dict2Configure
    def __init__(self, toolpath):
        if not os.path.exists(toolpath):
            raise IOError(
                'File not found - The cfmod tool cannot be found: %s'
                % toolpath
        self._modtool = toolpath

    def updatekv(self, confpath, key, val):
        update key with value
        cmd = "%s -c %s -u %s:%s " % (self._modtool, confpath, key, val)
        try_times = 0
        while True:
            ret =, 120)
                ret['returncode'] == 0
                or not ret['returncode']
                or try_times > 1
                ret['stdout'] = ret['stdout'].decode('gbk')
                ret['stdout'] = ret['stdout'].encode('utf-8')
                # print ret['stdout']
                try_times += 1

    def updatekvlist(self, confpath, kvlist):
        update a list of key/value
        strcmd = ''
        for key_value in kvlist:
            strcmd += ' -u %s:%s ' % (key_value['key'], key_value['value'])
        cmd = "%s  -c %s %s" % (self._modtool, confpath, strcmd)
        try_times = 0
        while True:
            ret =, 120)
                ret['returncode'] == 0
                or not ret['returncode']
                or try_times > 1
                ret['stdout'] = ret['stdout'].decode('gbk')
                ret['stdout'] = ret['stdout'].encode('utf-8')
                try_times += 1

    def addkv(self, confpath, key, val):
        add key value into a conf
        cmd = "%s -c %s -i %s:%s &>/dev/null" % (
            self._modtool, confpath, key, val
        try_times = 0
        while True:
            ret =, 120)
                ret['returncode'] == 0
                or not ret['returncode']
                or try_times > 1
                ret['stdout'] = ret['stdout'].decode('gbk')
                ret['stdout'] = ret['stdout'].encode('utf-8')
                try_times += 1

            if(ret == 0 or try_times > 1):
                try_times += 1

    def delkv(self, confpath, key):
        del a key from a conf file
        cmd = "%s -c %s -d %s " % (self._modtool, confpath, key)
        try_times = 0
        while True:
            ret =, 120)
                ret['returncode'] == 0
                or not ret['returncode']
                or try_times > 1
                ret['stdout'] = ret['stdout'].decode('gbk')
                ret['stdout'] = ret['stdout'].encode('utf-8')
                try_times += 1

            if(ret == 0 or try_times > 1):
                try_times += 1

class ArrayFormatError(cup.err.BaseCupException):
    array format error for Configure2Dict
    def __init__(self, errmsg):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(errmsg)

class LineFormatError(cup.err.BaseCupException):
    Line error class
    def __init__(self, errmsg):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(errmsg)

class KeyFormatError(cup.err.BaseCupException):
    Key error class
    def __init__(self, errmsg):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(errmsg)

class ValueFormatError(cup.err.BaseCupException):
    value error class
    def __init__(self, errmsg):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(errmsg)

class UnknowConfError(cup.err.BaseCupException):
    unkown error class
    def __init__(self, errmsg):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(errmsg)

class ConfDictSetItemError(cup.err.BaseCupException):
    ConfDict Error
    def __init__(self, errmsg):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(errmsg)

class ConfListSetItemError(cup.err.BaseCupException):
    ConfList Error
    def __init__(self, errmsg):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(errmsg)

class ConfList(list):
    Conf list attributes.


    @disk: /home/disk1
    @disk: /home/disk2
    def __init__(self):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
        self._ind = 0
        self._comments = []

    def append_ex(self, item, comments):
        append a item with conf comments
        assert type(comments) == list, 'comments should be a list'
        super(self.__class__, self).append(item)
        self._ind += 1

    def get_ex(self, ind):
        get conf list item with its comments
            return (self.__getitem__(ind), self._comments[ind])
        except IndexError:
            return (self.__getitem__(ind), [])

    def __delitem__(self, index):
        del self._comments[index]

    def append(self, item):
        """append item"""
        self.append_ex(item, [])

    def insert(self, ind, item):
        """plz do not use this function"""
        raise ConfDictSetItemError(
            'Do not support "insert". Use "append" instead'

    def extend(self, seqs):
        """plz do not use extend"""
        raise ConfDictSetItemError(
            'Do not support "extend". Use "append" instead'

class ConfDict(dict):
    ConfDict that Configure2Dict and Dict2Configure can use.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.update(*args, **kwargs)
        self._index = 0
        self._extra_dict = {}
        self._tail = None
        self._reverse_ind = -99999999

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        super(ConfDict, self).__delitem__(key)
        del self._extra_dict[key]

    def set_ex(self, key, value, comments):
        In addtion to dict['key'] = value, set_ex also set comments along with
        the key.
        super(ConfDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
        if key not in self._extra_dict:
            if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict):
                self._extra_dict[key] = (self._index, comments)
                self._index += 1
                self._extra_dict[key] = (self._reverse_ind, comments)
                self._reverse_ind += 1

    def get_ex(self, key):
        get (value, comments) with key, comments is a list
        value = self.get(key)
        comments = self._extra_dict.get(key)
        if comments is None:
            comments = []
        return (value, comments)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        super(self.__class__, self).__setitem__(key, value)
        if key not in self._extra_dict:
            if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict):
                self._extra_dict[key] = (self._index, [])
                self._index += 1
                self._extra_dict[key] = (self._reverse_ind, [])
                self._reverse_ind += 1

    def _compare_keys(self, keyx, keyy):
        """compare keys"""
        if self._extra_dict[keyx][0] == self._extra_dict[keyy][0]:
            return 0
        elif self._extra_dict[keyx][0] < self._extra_dict[keyy][0]:
            return -1
            return 1

    def get_ordered_keys(self):
        get keys in order
        keys = sorted(self.keys(), key=functools.cmp_to_key(self._compare_keys))
        return keys

#  @brief translate configure(public/configure) conf to dict
[docs]class Configure2Dict(object): # pylint: disable=R0903 """ Configure2Dict support conf features below: 1. comments As we support access/modify comments in a conf file, you should obey rules below: Comment closely above the object you want to comment. Do NOT comment after the line. Otherwise, you might get/set a wrong comment above the object. 2. sections 2.1 global section - if key:value is not under any [section], it is under the global layerby default - global section is the 0th layer section e.g. :: # test.conf global-key: value global-key1: value1 2.2 child section - [section1] means a child section under Global. And it's the 1st layer section - [.section2] means a child section under the nearest section above. It's the 2nd layer section. - [..section3] means a child section under the nearest section above. And the prefix .. means it is the 3rd layer section e.g.: test.conf: :: global-key: value [section] host: port: 8080 [.section_child] child_key: child_value [..section_child_child] control: ssh [...section_child_child_child] wow_key: wow_value 2.3 section access method get_dict method will convert conf into a ConfDict which is derived from python dict. - Access the section with confdict['section']['section-child']. - Access the section with confdict.get_ex('section') with (value, comments) 3. key:value and key:value array 3.1 key:value key:value can be set under Global section which is closely after the 1st line with no [section] above. key:value can also be set under sections. :: # test.conf key1: value1 [section] key_section: value_in_section [.seciton] key_section_child: value_section_child 3.2 key:value arrays key:value arrays can be access with confdict['section']['disk']. You will get a ConfList derived from python list. :: # test.conf # Global layer, key:value host: port: 12345 # 1st layer [monitor] @disk: /home/data0 @disk: /home/data1 [section] @disk: /home/disk/disk1 @disk: /home/disk/disk2 4. Example :: # test.conf # Global layer, key:value host: port: 12345 # 1st layer [monitor] @disk: /home/data0 @disk: /home/data1 [section] @disk: /home/disk/disk1 @disk: /home/disk/disk2 [monitor] timeout: 100 regex: sshd # 2nd layer that belongs to [monitor] [.timeout] # key:value in timeout max: 100 # 3rd layer that belongs to [monitor] [timeout] [..handler] default: exit # codes represent accessing conf and modifying conf from __future__ import print_function from cup.util import conf # 1. read from test.conf confdict = conf.Configure2Dict('test.conf', separator=':').get_dict() print(confdict['host']) print(confdict['port']) print(confdict['section']['disk']) print(confdict['monitor']['timeout']['handler']) # 2. Change something and write back to test.conf confdict['port'] = '10085' confdict['monitor']['timeout']['handler']['default'] = 'stop' confobj = conf.Dict2Configure(confdict, separator=':') confobj.write_conf('./') """ def __init__(self, configure_file, remove_comments=True, separator=':'): """ :param configure_file: configure file path :param remove_comments: if you comment after key:value # comment, whether we should remove it when you access the key :raise: IOError configure_file not found cup.util.conf.KeyFormatError Key format error cup.util.conf.ValueFormatError value value cup.util.conf.LineFormatError line format error cup.util.conf.ArrayFormatError @array format error cup.util.conf.UnknowConfError unknown error """ self._file = configure_file if not os.path.exists(configure_file): raise IOError('%s does not exists' % configure_file) if not os.path.isfile(configure_file): raise IOError('%s is not a file' % configure_file) self._lines = [] self._dict = ConfDict() self._remove_comments = remove_comments self._blank_and_comments = {} self._separator = separator def _strip_value(self, value): """ strip the value """ if self._remove_comments: rev = value.split('#')[0].strip() else: rev = value return rev def _handle_key_value_tuple(self, linenum, conf_dict_now, comments): """ handle (key, value) tuple """ num = linenum line = self._lines[num] key, value = line rev_comments = comments if not key.startswith('@'): conf_dict_now.set_ex(key, value, rev_comments) rev_comments = [] else: # @key: value # it's a conf array. # e.g. # @disk : /home/disk1 # @disk : /home/disk2 # conf_dict_now[key[1:]] = [value] if not key[1:] in conf_dict_now: conf_array = ConfList() conf_dict_now.set_ex(key[1:], conf_array, rev_comments) else: conf_array = conf_dict_now[key[1:]] conf_array.append_ex(value, []) rev_comments = [] num += 1 while num < len(self._lines): # get all items if self._handle_comments(rev_comments, self._lines[num]): num += 1 continue if not type(self._lines[num]) == tuple or \ self._lines[num][0] != key: num -= 1 break conf_dict_now[key[1:]].append_ex( self._lines[num][1], rev_comments ) rev_comments = [] num += 1 return (num, rev_comments) @classmethod def _handle_comments(cls, comments, line): """ handle comments """ if line[0] == '__comments__': comments.append(line[1]) return True return False @classmethod def _handle_group_keys( cls, key, conf_dict_now, conf_layer_stack, comments ): for groupkey in key.split('.'): conf_dict_now = conf_layer_stack[-1] while isinstance(conf_dict_now, list): conf_dict_now = conf_dict_now[-1] if groupkey in conf_dict_now: conf_dict_now = conf_dict_now[groupkey] # push this layer into the stack conf_layer_stack.append(conf_dict_now) else: if groupkey[0] == '@': groupkey = groupkey[1:] if groupkey in conf_dict_now: conf_dict_now[groupkey].append_ex( {}, comments ) comments = [] else: conflist = ConfList() conf_dict_now.set_ex( groupkey, conflist, comments ) comments = [] conflist.append(ConfDict()) else: conf_dict_now.set_ex( groupkey, ConfDict(), comments ) comments = [] conf_layer_stack.append(conf_dict_now[groupkey]) return comments # GLOBAL level 1 # [groupA] level 2 # [.@groupB] level 3 # [..@groupC] level 4 # pylint: disable=R0912, R0915
[docs] def get_dict(self, ignore_error=False, encoding='utf8'): """ get conf_dict which you can use to access conf info. :param ignore_error: True, CUP will parse the conf file without catching exceptions :param encoding: utf8 by default, you can change it to your encoding """ comments = [] self._get_input_lines(ignore_error, encoding) conf_layer_stack = [self._dict] num = 0 length = len(self._lines) last_list_key = None while num < length: line = self._lines[num] if self._handle_comments(comments, line): num += 1 continue conf_dict_now = conf_layer_stack[-1] # conf_dict_now is current while isinstance(conf_dict_now, list): # [], find the working dict conf_dict_now = conf_dict_now[-1] if isinstance(line, tuple): # key value num, comments = self._handle_key_value_tuple( num, conf_dict_now, comments ) else: key = line.lstrip('.') level = len(line) - len(key) + 2 # determine the level if key == 'GLOBAL': # GLOBAL is the 1st level level = 1 conf_layer_stack = [self._dict] # [Group1.SubGroup1] sub-key: Value # if sth below level cannot be computed as len(line) - len(key) elif '.' in key: # conf_layer_stack back to [self._dict] conf_layer_stack = [self._dict] comments = self._handle_group_keys( key, conf_dict_now, conf_layer_stack, comments ) elif level > len(conf_layer_stack) + 1: raise ArrayFormatError(line) elif level == len(conf_layer_stack) + 1: # new grou for if key[0] == '@': key = key[1:] conflist = ConfList() conflist.append(ConfDict()) conf_dict_now.set_ex(key, conflist, []) else: conf_dict_now.set_ex(key, ConfDict(), comments) comments = [] conf_layer_stack.append(conf_dict_now[key]) elif level == len(conf_layer_stack): # -1 means the last item. -2 means the second from the end conf_dict_now = conf_layer_stack[-2] # back one while isinstance(conf_dict_now, list): conf_dict_now = conf_dict_now[-1] if key[0] == '@': tmpkey = key[1:] if tmpkey in conf_dict_now: # the same group # pylint: disable=E1101 # conf_dict_now[tmpkey] = ConfDict() if tmpkey != last_list_key: conf_layer_stack[-1] = conf_dict_now[tmpkey] conf_layer_stack[-1].append_ex( ConfDict(), comments ) comments = [] else: # different group conflist = ConfList() conflist.append(ConfDict()) conf_dict_now.set_ex(tmpkey, conflist, comments) # conf_dict_now.set_ex(tmpkey, conflist, []) comments = [] conf_layer_stack[-1] = conf_dict_now[tmpkey] last_list_key = tmpkey else: conf_dict_now.set_ex(key, ConfDict(), comments) comments = [] conf_layer_stack[-1] = conf_dict_now[key] elif level < len(conf_layer_stack): conf_dict_now = conf_layer_stack[level - 2] # get back while isinstance(conf_dict_now, list): conf_dict_now = conf_dict_now[-1] if key[0] == '@': tmpkey = key[1:] if tmpkey in conf_dict_now: # the same group tmpdict = ConfDict() conf_layer_stack[level - 1].append(tmpdict) else: # different group conflist = ConfList() conflist.append(ConfDict()) conf_dict_now.set_ex(tmpkey, conflist, []) conf_layer_stack[level - 1] = conf_dict_now[tmpkey] else: conf_dict_now.set_ex(key, ConfDict(), comments) comments = [] conf_layer_stack[level - 1] = conf_dict_now[key] conf_layer_stack = conf_layer_stack[:level] else: raise UnknowConfError('exception occured') num += 1 return self._dict
# Check the key id format def _check_key_valid(self, key): # pylint: disable=R0201 """ check if the key is valid """ if key == '' or key == '@': raise KeyFormatError(key) if key[0] == '@': key = key[1:] for char in key: if not char.isalnum() and char != '_' \ and char != '-' and char != '.' and char != '$': raise KeyFormatError(key) # Check the [GROUP] key format def _check_groupkey_valid(self, key): """check if the group key is valid""" for groupkey in key.split('.'): self._check_key_valid(groupkey) def _handle_include_syntx(self, line, ignore_error): """handle $include file.conf """ if ignore_error: try: include_file = line.split()[-1].strip('"') include_dict = Configure2Dict(include_file).get_dict( ignore_error ) if '$include' not in self._dict: newdict = ConfDict() self._dict.set_ex('$include', newdict, '') newdict.set_ex( include_file, include_dict, '' ) # pylint: disable=W0703 # Does not know exact exception type except Exception: cup.log.warn( 'failed to handle include file, line:{0}'.format( line) ) else: include_file = line.split()[-1].strip('"') include_dict = Configure2Dict(include_file).get_dict( ignore_error ) if '$include' not in self._dict: newdict = ConfDict() self._dict.set_ex('$include', newdict, '') newdict.set_ex( include_file, include_dict, '' ) # Read in the file content, with format check # pylint: disable=R0912,R0915 def _get_input_lines(self, ignore_error, encoding): """ read conf lines """ fhandle = None try: if platforms.is_py2(): fhandle = _open_codecs(self._file, 'r', encoding=encoding) else: fhandle = open(self._file, 'r', encoding=encoding) except IOError as error: cup.log.error('open file failed:%s, err:%s' % (self._file, error)) raise IOError(error) for line in fhandle.readlines(): line = line.strip() # if it's a blank line or a line with comments only if line == '': line = '__comments__%s%s' % (self._separator, '\n') if line.startswith('#'): line = '__comments__%s%s\n' % (self._separator, line) continue if line.startswith('$include'): self._handle_include_syntx(line, ignore_error) continue # if it's a section if line.startswith('['): if line.find('#') > 0: line = line[:line.find('#')].strip() if not line.endswith(']'): raise LineFormatError('Parse line error, line:\n' + line) line = line[1:-1] key = line.lstrip('.') self._check_groupkey_valid(key) # check if key is valid self._lines.append(line) continue # key, value = line.split(':', 1) key, value = line.split(self._separator, 1) key = key.strip() value = value.strip(' \t') # if remove_comments is True, delete comments in value. self._check_key_valid(key) if value.startswith('"'): # if the value is a string if not value.endswith('"'): raise ValueFormatError(line) else: if key != '__comments__': value = self._strip_value(value) if value.startswith('"'): tmp_value = '' # reserve escape in the value string escape = False for single in value: if escape: if single == '0': tmp_value += '\0' elif single == 'n': tmp_value += '\n' elif single == 'r': tmp_value += '\r' elif single == 't': tmp_value += '\t' elif single == 'v': tmp_value += '\v' elif single == 'a': tmp_value += '\a' elif single == 'b': tmp_value += '\b' elif single == 'd': tmp_value += r'\d' elif single == 'f': tmp_value += '\f' elif single == "'": tmp_value += "'" elif single == '"': tmp_value += '"' elif single == '\\': tmp_value += '\\' else: # raise ValueFormatError(line) pass escape = False elif single == '\\': escape = True else: tmp_value += single if escape: raise ValueFormatError(line) value = tmp_value self._lines.append((key, value)) fhandle.close()
[docs]class Dict2Configure(object): """ Convert Dict into Configure. You can convert a ConfDict or python dict into a conf file. """ ## # @param dict the conf dict, make sure the type format is right # def __init__(self, conf_dict, separator=':'): self._dict = None self.set_dict(conf_dict) self._level = 0 self._str = '' self._separator = separator self._encoding = 'utf8' def _get_field_value_sep(self): return self._separator # The separator between each line @classmethod def _get_linesep(cls): return '\n' # The flag of an array @classmethod def _get_arrayflag(cls): return '@' def _get_levelsep(self): return '.' * self._level def _get_arraylevel_sep(self): return '.' * self._level + self._get_arrayflag() def _get_indents(self): return ' ' * self._level * 4 def _get_write_string(self): self._str = '' self._level = 0 self._get_confstring(self._dict) return self._str
[docs] def write_conf(self, conf_file, encoding='utf8'): """ write the conf into of the dict into a conf_file :param conf_file: the file which will be override :param encoding: 'utf8' by default, specify yours if needed """ fhandle = None if platforms.is_py2(): fhandle = _open_codecs(conf_file, 'w', encoding=encoding) else: fhandle = open(conf_file, 'w', encoding=encoding) fhandle.write(self._get_write_string()) fhandle.close()
# pylint: disable=R0911 @classmethod def _comp_write_keys(cls, valuex, valuey): if platforms.is_py2(): _py_type = [bool, int, float, str, unicode] else: _py_type = [bool, int, float, str] if type(valuex) == type(valuey): return 0 for py_type in _py_type: if isinstance(valuex, py_type): return -1 for py_type in _py_type: if isinstance(valuey, py_type): return 1 if isinstance(valuex, list) and isinstance(valuey, list): try: if isinstance(valuex[0], dict) or isinstance(valuex[0], list): return 1 else: return -1 # pylint: disable=W0703 except Exception: return -1 else: return -1 # if isinstance(valuex, list) and isinstance(valuey, str): # return 1 if isinstance(valuex, dict): return 1 if isinstance(valuey, dict): return -1 return 1 # pylint: disable=R0912 def _get_confstring(self, _dict): # for item in sorted( # _dict.items(), lambda x, y: self._comp_type(x[1], y[1]) # ): try: order_keys = _dict.get_ordered_keys() except AttributeError: order_keys = copy.deepcopy(list(_dict.keys())) order_keys.sort( key=functools.cmp_to_key( lambda x, y: self._comp_write_keys(_dict[x], _dict[y]) ) ) if '$include' in order_keys: for filepath in _dict['$include']: self._str += '$include "{0}"{1}'.format( filepath, self._get_linesep() ) order_keys.remove('$include') for key in order_keys: if key == '$include': cup.log.warn('cup.conf does not support $include writeback yet') continue try: item = _dict.get_ex(key) value = item[0] comments = item[1][1] except AttributeError: value = _dict.get(key) comments = [] for comment in comments: self._str += self._get_indents() + comment if isinstance(value, tuple) or isinstance(value, list): if isinstance(value, tuple): print('its a tuple, key:{0}, value:{1}'.format(key, value)) if len(value) > 0 and isinstance(value[0], dict): # items are all arrays # [..@section] # abc: # [..@section] # abc: for ind in range(0, len(value)): try: item = value.get_ex(ind) except AttributeError: item = (value[ind], []) for comment in item[1]: self._str += self._get_indents() + comment self._add_arraylevel(key) self._get_confstring(item[0]) self._minus_level() else: # a array list and array list has no sub-dict # @item # @item for ind in range(0, len(value)): try: item = value.get_ex(ind) except AttributeError: item = (value[ind], []) for comment in item[1]: self._str += self._get_indents() + comment self._appendline( '{0}{1}'.format(self._get_arrayflag(), key), item[0] ) elif isinstance(value, dict): self._addlevel(key) self._get_confstring(value) self._minus_level() else: # type(value) == type(""): self._appendline(key, value) def _get_confstring_ex(self, _dict): pass def _appendline(self, key, value): self._str = '{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}'.format( self._str, self._get_indents(), key, self._get_field_value_sep(), value, self._get_linesep() ) def _addlevel(self, key): self._str = '{0}{1}[{2}{3}]{4}'.format( self._str, self._get_indents(), self._get_levelsep(), key, self._get_linesep() ) self._level += 1 def _add_arraylevel(self, key): self._str = '{0}{1}[{2}{3}]{4}'.format( self._str, self._get_indents(), self._get_arraylevel_sep(), key, self._get_linesep() ) self._level += 1 def _minus_level(self): self._level -= 1 # Set the conf dict
[docs] def set_dict(self, conf_dict): """ set a new conf_dict """ if not isinstance(conf_dict, dict): raise TypeError('conf_dict is not a type of dict') self._dict = conf_dict
# itemlist=sorted(dict.items(), lambda x,y: _comp_type(x[1],y[1])) # sort the dict, make type{dict} last @classmethod def _comp_type(cls, item_a, item_b): if type(item_a) in (tuple, list): if len(item_a) > 0: item_a = item_a[0] if type(item_b) in (tuple, list): if len(item_b) > 0: item_b = item_b[0] if type(item_a) == type(item_b): return 0 elif type(item_b) == dict: return -1 elif type(item_a) == dict: return 1 # if type(item_a)!=type({}) or type(item_b)==type({}): # return -1 return 1
[docs]class HdfsXmlConf(object): """ hdfs xmlconf modifier. Example: :: # modify and write new conf into hadoop-site.xmlconf xmlobj = xmlconf.HdfsXmlConf(xmlfile) # get hdfs conf items into a python dict key_values = xmlobj.get_items() # modify hdfs conf items for name in self._confdict['journalnode']['hadoop_site']: if name in key_values: key_values[name]['value'] = \ self._confdict['journalnode']['hadoop_site'][name] else: key_values[name] = { 'value': self._confdict['journalnode']['hadoop_site'][name], 'description': ' ' } hosts = ','.join(self._confdict['journalnode']['host']) key_values['dfs.journalnode.hosts'] = { 'value': hosts, 'description':' journalnode hosts' } # write back conf items with new values xmlobj.write_conf(key_values) """ def __init__(self, filepath): if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise IOError('file not found:{0}'.format(filepath)) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise IOError('{0} not a file'.format(filepath)) self._xmlpath = filepath self._confdict = None def _load_items(self): self._confdict = {} dom = minidom.parse(self._xmlpath) properties = dom.getElementsByTagName('property') for pro in properties: tmpdict = {} try: tmpdict['value'] = pro.getElementsByTagName( 'value' )[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue except IndexError: tmpdict['value'] = None try: tmpdict['description'] = pro.getElementsByTagName( 'description' )[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue except IndexError: tmpdict['description'] = None self._confdict[ pro.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue ] = tmpdict return self._confdict
[docs] def get_items(self): """ return hadoop config items as a dict. :return: :: { 'dfs.datanode.max.xcievers': { 'value': 'true', 'description': 'xxxxxxxxxx' }, ...... } """ return self._load_items()
def _write_to_conf(self, new_confdict): dom = minidom.parse(self._xmlpath) properties = dom.getElementsByTagName('property') tmpdict = copy.deepcopy(new_confdict) # modify if name exists for pro in properties: name = pro.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue valuenode = pro.getElementsByTagName('value')[0] if name in tmpdict: need_modify = False if valuenode.firstChild is None: if tmpdict[name]['value'] is not None: valuenode.appendChild(dom.createTextNode('')) need_modify = True else: need_modify = True if need_modify: valuenode.firstChild.replaceWholeText( tmpdict[name]['value'] ) del tmpdict[name] else: parent = pro.parentNode parent.insertBefore(dom.createComment(pro.toxml()), pro) parent.removeChild(pro) configuration_node = dom.getElementsByTagName('configuration')[0] for name in tmpdict: new_pro = dom.createElement('property') new_name = dom.createElement('name') new_name.appendChild(dom.createTextNode(name)) new_pro.appendChild(new_name) # value in the new property new_value = dom.createElement('value') if new_value is not None: new_value.appendChild( dom.createTextNode(tmpdict[name]['value']) ) new_pro.appendChild(new_value) # description new_desc = dom.createElement('description') new_desc.appendChild( dom.createTextNode(tmpdict[name]['description']) ) new_pro.appendChild(new_desc) configuration_node.appendChild(new_pro) return dom.toprettyxml(newl='\n')
[docs] def write_conf(self, kvs, encoding='utf8'): """ update config items with a dict kvs. Refer to the example above. :param kvs: :: { key : { 'value': value, 'description': 'description'}, ...... } """ self._encoding = encoding self._load_items() str_xml = self._write_to_conf(kvs) fhandle = None if platforms.is_py2(): fhandle = _open_codecs(self._xmlpath, 'w', encoding=encoding) else: fhandle = open(self._xmlpath, 'w', encoding=encoding) fhandle.write(str_xml) fhandle.close() self._confdict = kvs
def _main_hanle(): dict4afs = Configure2Dict('/tmp/metaserver.conf') dictafs = dict4afs.get_dict() print(json.dumps(dictafs, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) if __name__ == "__main__": pass # conf = CConf(g_prodUnitRuntime + 'Unitserver0/conf/','UnitServer.conf') # conf.update({'MasterPort':'1234','ProxyPortDelta':'0'}) # conf.addAfterKeywordIfNoexist( # 'SnapshotPatchLimit', ('DelServerPerHourLimit', '99') # ) # vi:set tw=0 ts=4 sw=4 nowrap fdm=indent