Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright: [CUP] - See LICENSE for details.
# Authors: Guannan Ma (@mythmgn),
    Object related storage

import os
import abc
import time
import shutil
import ftplib
import traceback
import logging

from cup import log
from cup import err

__all__ = [
    'AFSObjectSystem', 'S3ObjectSystem', 'FTPObjectSystem',

class ObjectInterface(object):
    object interface, abstract class. Should not be used directly
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
    def __init__(self, config):
        :param config:
            dict like config, should contains at leat
                'uri': 'xxxx',
                'user': 'xxxx',   # or stands for accesskey
                'passwords': 'xxxx', # or stands for secretkey
                'extra': some_object
        self._config = config

    def _validate_config(self, config, keys):
        """validate config if there's any missing items"""
        ret = True
        for key in keys:
            if not key in config:
                ret = False

        return ret

    def put(self, dest, localfile):
        :param dest:
            system path
        :param localfile:

                'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure,
                'msg': 'if any'

    def delete(self, path):
        delete a file

        :param path:
            object path

                'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure,
                'msg': 'if any'

    def get(self, path, localpath):
        get the object into localpath
                'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure,
                'msg': 'if any'

    def head(self, path):
        get the object info
               'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure,
               'msg': 'if any'
               'objectinfo': {
                   'size': 1024, # at least have this one
                   'atime': 'xxxx.xx.xx', # optional
                   'mtime': 'xxxx.xx.xx', # optional
                   'ctime': 'xxxx.xx.xx', # optional

    def mkdir(self, path, recursive=True):
        mkdir dir of a path
                'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure,
                'msg': 'if any'

    def rmdir(self, path, recursive=True):
        """rmdir of a path

                'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure,
                'msg': 'if any'

    def rename(self, frompath, topath):
        """rename from path to path"""

[docs]class AFSObjectSystem(ObjectInterface): """ AFSObjectSystem implemented interface. """ def __init__(self, config): """ :param config: be complied with cup.util.conf.Configure2Dict().get_dict(). Shoule be dict like object """ ObjectInterface.__init__(self, config)
[docs] def put(self, dest, localfile): """ :param dest: system path :param localfile: localfile :return: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' } """
[docs] def delete(self, path): """ delete a file :param path: object path :return: :: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' } """
[docs] def get(self, path, localpath): """ get the object into localpath :return: :: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' } """
[docs] def head(self, path): """ get the object info :return: :: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' 'objectinfo': { size: 1024, ....... } } """
[docs] def mkdir(self, path): """ mkdir dir of a path :return: :: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' 'objectinfo': { size: 1024, ....... } } """
[docs] def rmdir(self, path): """rmdir of a path"""
[docs] def rename(self, frompath, topath): """rename""" raise err.NotImplementedYet('AFSObjectSystem.rename')
# pylint: disable=R0902 # need to have so many
[docs]class S3ObjectSystem(ObjectInterface): """ s3 object system """ def __init__(self, config): """ :param config: be complied with cup.util.conf.Configure2Dict().get_dict(). Shoule be dict like object :raise: cup.err.ConfigError if there's any config item missing """ ObjectInterface.__init__(self, config) required_keys = ['ak', 'sk', 'endpoint', 'bucket'] if not self._validate_config(self._config, required_keys): raise err.ConfigError(str(required_keys)) self._ak = self._config['ak'] self._sk = self._config['sk'] self._endpoint = self._config['endpoint'] self._bucket = self._config['bucket'] import boto3 from botocore import exceptions from botocore import client as coreclient self._s3_config = coreclient.Config( signature_version='s3v4', s3={'addressing_style': 'path'} ) logging.getLogger('boto3').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('botocore').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('s3transfer').setLevel(logging.INFO)'to connect to boto3') self.__s3conn = boto3.client( 's3', aws_access_key_id=self._ak, aws_secret_access_key=self._sk, endpoint_url=self._endpoint, # region_name=conf_dict['region_name'], config=self._s3_config ) self._exception = exceptions.ClientError
[docs] def put(self, dest, localfile): """ :param dest: system path :param localfile: localfile :return: :: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' } """ ret = { 'returncode': -1, 'msg': 'failed to put object' } with open(localfile, 'r') as fhandle: try: self.__s3conn.put_object( Key='{0}'.format(dest), Bucket=self._bucket, Body=fhandle ) ret['returncode'] = 0 ret['msg'] = 'success' except self._exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def delete(self, path): """ delete a file :param path: object path :return: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' } """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } try: self.__s3conn.delete_object( Key='{0}'.format(path), Bucket=self._bucket ) except self._exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def get(self, path, localpath): """ get the object into localpath :return: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' } """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } try: with open(localpath, 'w+') as fhandle: resp = self.__s3conn.get_object( Key='{0}'.format(path), Bucket=self._bucket ) fhandle.write(resp['Body'].read()) except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def head(self, path): """ get the object info :return: :: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' 'objectinfo': { size: 1024, ....... } } """ ret = { 'returncode': -1, 'msg': 'failed to get objectinfo' } try: resp = self.__s3conn.head_object( Key='{0}'.format(path), Bucket=self._bucket ) ret['objectinfo'] = resp ret['returncode'] = 0 ret['msg'] = 'success' except self._exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def mkdir(self, path): """ mkdir dir of a path :return: :: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any', 'objectinfo': { size: 1024, .. } } """ raise err.NotImplementedYet('mkdir not supported for S3ObjectSystem')
[docs] def rmdir(self, path): """rmdir of a path""" raise err.NotImplementedYet('rmdir not supported for S3ObjectSystem')
[docs] def create_bucket(self, bucket_name): """create bucket""" ret = { 'returncode': -1, 'msg': 'failed to create bucket' } try: resp = self.__s3conn.create_bucket( Bucket=bucket_name ) ret['returncode'] = 0 ret['msg'] = 'success' except self._exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def head_bucket(self, bucket_name): """create bucket""" ret = { 'returncode': -1, 'msg': 'failed to create bucket', 'bucket_info': None } try: resp = self.__s3conn.head_bucket( Bucket=bucket_name ) ret['returncode'] = 0 ret['msg'] = 'success' ret['bucket_info'] = resp except self._exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def delete_bucket(self, bucket_name, forcely=False): """delete bucket :param forcely: if forcely is True, the bucket will be delete no matter it has objects inside. Otherwise, you have to delete items inside, then delete the bucket """ ret = { 'returncode': -1, 'msg': 'failed to create bucket' } try: if forcely: resp = self.head_bucket(bucket_name) res = self.__s3conn.list_objects(Bucket=bucket_name) if 'Contents' in res: for obj in res['Contents']: try: self.__s3conn.delete_object( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=obj['Key'] ) except Exception as error: ret['msg'] = 'faield to delete obj in bucket' return ret resp = self.__s3conn.delete_bucket( Bucket=bucket_name ) ret['returncode'] = 0 ret['msg'] = 'success' except self._exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def rename(self, frompath, topath): """rename""" raise err.NotImplementedYet('AFSObjectSystem.rename')
[docs]class FTPObjectSystem(ObjectInterface): """ ftp object system, Plz notice all methods of FTPObjectSystem is NOT thread-safe! Be careful when you use it in a service of concurrency. """ def __init__(self, config): """ :param config: { "uri":"ftp://host:port", "user":"username", "password":"password", "extra":None //timeout:30s } :raise: cup.err.ConfigError if there's any config item missing """ ObjectInterface.__init__(self, config) required_keys = ['uri', 'user', 'passwords'] if not self._validate_config(self._config, required_keys): raise err.ConfigError(str(required_keys)) self._uri = self._config['uri'] self._user = self._config['user'] self._passwd = self._config['passwords'] self._extra = self._config['extra'] self._dufault_timeout = 30 if self._extra is not None and isinstance(self._config['extra'], int): self._dufault_timeout = self._extra'to connect to ftp server') self._ftp_con = ftplib.FTP() self._host = self._uri.split(':')[1][2:] self._port = ftplib.FTP_PORT if len(self._uri.split(':')[2]) > 0: self._port = int(self._uri.split(':')[2]) self._ftp_con.connect(self._host, self._port, self._dufault_timeout) self._ftp_con.login(self._user, self._passwd) self._last_optime = time.time() self._timeout = 15 # idle time for ftp def __del__(self): """release connect""" try: self._ftp_con.quit() except: pass def _check_timeout(self): """check if we need to reconnect""" if time.time() - self._last_optime > self._timeout: try: self._ftp_con.quit() except: pass self._ftp_con.connect( self._host, self._port, self._dufault_timeout ) self._ftp_con.login(self._user, self._passwd) self._last_optime = time.time() def _get_relative_path(self, path, cwd): """get relative path for real actions""" cwd = os.path.normpath(cwd) path = os.path.normpath(path) if path.find(cwd) >= 0 and path.startswith('/'): path = path[len(cwd):] path = path.lstrip('/') return path
[docs] def put(self, destfile, localfile): """ :param destfile: ftp path for the localfile :param localfile: localfile """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' }'to put localfile {0} to ftp {1}'.format(localfile, destfile)) self._check_timeout() cwd = self._ftp_con.pwd() destdir = None destfile = os.path.normpath(destfile) destfile = self._get_relative_path(destfile, cwd) rindex = destfile.rfind('/') if rindex < 0: destdir = cwd file_name = destfile elif rindex >= (len(destfile) - 1): raise ValueError('value error, destfile {0}'.format( destfile)) else: destdir = destfile[:rindex] file_name = destfile.split('/')[-1]'put localfile {0} into ftp {1}'.format(localfile, destfile)) with open(localfile, 'rb') as fhandle: try: self._ftp_con.cwd(destdir) ftp_cmd = 'STOR {0}'.format(file_name) self._ftp_con.storbinary(ftp_cmd, fhandle) except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to put, err:{0}'.format(error) self._ftp_con.cwd(cwd) return ret
[docs] def delete(self, path): """delete file""" ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' }'to delete ftp file: {0}'.format(path)) self._check_timeout() cwd = os.path.normpath(self._ftp_con.pwd()) path = self._get_relative_path(path, cwd) try: self._ftp_con.delete(path) except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def get(self, path, localpath): """ get a file into localpath """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' }'to get ftp file {0} to {1}'.format(path, localpath)) self._check_timeout() cwd = self._ftp_con.pwd() path = self._get_relative_path(path, cwd) if localpath.endswith('/'): localpath += path.split('/')[-1]'to get ftp {0} to local {1}'.format(path, localpath)) try: with open(localpath, 'w+') as fhandle: ftp_cmd = 'RETR {0}'.format(path) resp = self._ftp_con.retrbinary(ftp_cmd, fhandle.write) except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to get {0} to {1}, err:{2}'.format( path, localpath, error ) log.error(ret['msg']) return ret
[docs] def head(self, path): """ get the file info :return: :: { 'returncode': 0 for success, others for failure, 'msg': 'if any' 'fileinfo': [ "-rw-rw-r-- 1 work work 201 Nov 9 17:03" ] } """ ret = { 'returncode': -1, 'msg': 'failed to get objectinfo' } self._check_timeout() cwd = self._ftp_con.pwd() path = self._get_relative_path(path, cwd) res_info = [] f_flag = False def _call_back(arg): if f_flag and arg.split()[-1].strip() == file_name: return res_info.append(arg) if not f_flag: res_info.append(arg) try: if self.is_file(path): file_name = path[path.rfind('/') + 1:] f_flag = True pos = path.rfind('/') p_path = path[0: pos] self._ftp_con.cwd(p_path) else: self._ftp_con.cwd(path) self._ftp_con.retrlines('LIST', _call_back) ret['fileinfo'] = res_info ret['returncode'] = 0 ret['msg'] = 'success' self._ftp_con.cwd(cwd) except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = str(error) return ret
[docs] def mkdir(self, path, recursive=True): """ mkdir """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } self._check_timeout() cwd = self._ftp_con.pwd() path = self._get_relative_path(path, cwd) try: if not recursive: self._ftp_con.mkd(path) else: subdirs = path.split('/') for subdir in subdirs: try: self._ftp_con.cwd(subdir) except Exception as e: self._ftp_con.mkd(subdir) self._ftp_con.cwd(subdir) except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to mkdir, err:{0}'.format(error) self._ftp_con.cwd(cwd) return ret
[docs] def rmdir(self, path, recursive=True): """ rmdir """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } self._check_timeout() cwd = self._ftp_con.pwd() path = self._get_relative_path(path, cwd) try: if not recursive: self._ftp_con.rmd(path) else: cwd = self._ftp_con.pwd() self._ftp_con.cwd(path) allItems = self._ftp_con.nlst() for item in allItems: if self.is_file(item): self._ftp_con.delete(item) else: self.rmdir(item) self._ftp_con.cwd(cwd) self._ftp_con.rmd(path) except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to rmdir, err:{0}'.format(error) self._ftp_con.cwd(cwd) return ret
[docs] def is_file(self, path): """path is file or not""" res = False self._check_timeout() cwd = self._ftp_con.pwd() path = self._get_relative_path(path, cwd) res_info = [] def _call_back(arg): res_info.append(arg) try: self._ftp_con.cwd(path) self._ftp_con.cwd(cwd) return res except Exception as e: pass try: pos = path.rfind('/') if pos == -1: file_name = path else: p_path = path[0: pos] file_name = path[pos + 1:] self._ftp_con.cwd(p_path) self._ftp_con.retrlines('MLSD', _call_back) for item in res_info: if item.split(';')[-1].strip() == file_name and 'type=file' in item: self._ftp_con.cwd(cwd) return True self._ftp_con.cwd(cwd) except Exception as error: pass return False
[docs] def rename(self, frompath, topath): """rename frompath to path""" ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } try: self._ftp_con.rename(frompath, topath) except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to rename from {0} to {1}'.format( frompath, topath ) return ret
[docs]class LocalObjectSystem(ObjectInterface): """local object system""" def __init__(self, kvconfig=None): """ initialize """ config = { 'uri': None, 'user': None, # or stands for accesskey 'passwords': None, # or stands for secretkey 'extra': None } ObjectInterface.__init__(self, config)
[docs] def put(self, dest, localfile): """ local object put == copy """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } try: shutil.copy2(dest, localfile) # pylint: disable=W0703 except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to put:{0}'.format(error) return ret
[docs] def delete(self, path): """delete a file in local""" ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } try: os.unlink(path) # pylint: disable=W0703 except Exception as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to unlink file:{0}, err:{1}'.format( path, error ) return ret
[docs] def get(self, path, localpath): """ get a file into localpath """ return self.put(path, localpath)
[docs] def head(self, path): """get the object info""" retcode = 0 msg = 'ok' objectinfo = None if not os.path.exists(path): retcode = 255 msg = 'file/dir not found' else: statinfo = os.stat(path) objectinfo = { 'size': statinfo.st_size, 'atime': statinfo.st_atime, 'mtime': statinfo.st_mtime, 'ctime': statinfo.st_ctime } info_dict = { 'returncode': retcode, 'msg': msg, 'objectinfo': objectinfo } return info_dict
[docs] def mkdir(self, path, recursive=True): """ mkdir """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } func = os.makedirs if not recursive: func = os.mkdir try: func(path) except IOError as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to mkdir, err:{0}'.format(error) return ret
[docs] def rmdir(self, path, recursive=True): """ rmdir """ ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } func = os.rmdir if recursive: func = shutil.rmtree try: func(path) except IOError as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to rmdir, err:{0}'.format(error) return ret
[docs] def rename(self, frompath, topath): """rename from path to path""" ret = { 'returncode': 0, 'msg': 'success' } try: os.rename(frompath, topath) except IOError as error: ret['returncode'] = -1 ret['msg'] = 'failed to rename {0} to {1}'.format( frompath, topath ) return ret
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