Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright: [CUP] - See LICENSE for details.
# Authors: Qiang Liu, Guannan Ma
    auto wait related modules.

__all__ = [
    'wait_until_file_exist', 'wait_until_reg_str_exist',
    "wait_until_process_not_exist", "wait_until_port_used",
    "wait_until_process_used_ports", "wait_until_port_not_used",
    "wait_until_process_exist", "wait_until_process_killed"

import os
import re
import time

import cup
from import oper

[docs]def wait_until_file_exist( dst_path, file_name, max_wait_sec=10, interval_sec=2, recursive=False ): """ wait util the file exists or the function timeout :param dst_path: searching path :param file_name: filename, support * :param max_wait_sec: max wating time until timeout :param interval_sec: check interval :param recursive: recursively search or not :return: True if found. """ curr_wait_sec = 0 while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: if oper.contains_file(dst_path, file_name, recursive): return True curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) return False
[docs]def wait_until_reg_str_exist( dst_file_path, reg_str, max_wait_sec=10, interval_sec=0.5 ): """ wait until any line in the file matches the \ reg_str(regular expression string) :param dst_file_path: searching path :param reg_str: regular expression string :param max_wait_sec: maximum waiting time until timeout :param interval_sec: state check interval :return: True if found """ curr_wait_sec = 0 file_reader = FileReader(dst_file_path) while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: if __check_reg_str_contain(file_reader, reg_str): return True curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) return False
[docs]def wait_until_process_not_exist( process_path, max_wait_sec=10, interval_sec=0.5 ): """ wait until the process does not exist anymore or the function timeouts :param process_path: process cwd :param max_wait_sec: maximum waiting time until timeout. 10 seconds by default :param interval_sec: state check interval, 0.5 second by default :return: return True if the process disapper before timeout """ process_path = os.path.abspath(process_path) pro_path = os.path.dirname(process_path) pro_name = os.path.basename(process_path) curr_wait_sec = 0 while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: if not oper.is_proc_exist(pro_path, pro_name): return True curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) return False
[docs]def wait_until_process_exist( process_path, max_wait_sec=10, interval_sec=0.5 ): """ wait until the process exists :param process_path: the specific process working path :param max_wait_sec: maximum waiting time until timeout :param interval_sec: state check interval :return: return True if the process is found before timeout """ process_path = os.path.abspath(process_path) pro_path = os.path.dirname(process_path) pro_name = os.path.basename(process_path) curr_wait_sec = 0 while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: if oper.is_proc_exist(pro_path, pro_name): return True curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) return False
[docs]def wait_until_port_used( port, max_wait_sec=10, interval_sec=0.5 ): """ wait until the port is used. *Notice this function will invoke\ a bash shell to execute command [netstat]!* :return: return True if the port is used """ curr_wait_sec = 0 while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: if oper.is_port_used(port): return True curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) return False
[docs]def wait_until_port_not_used( port, max_wait_sec=10, interval_sec=0.5 ): """ wait until the port is free :return: return True if the port is free before timeout """ curr_wait_sec = 0 while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: if not oper.is_port_used(port): return True curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) return False
[docs]def wait_until_process_used_ports( process_path, ports, max_wait_sec=10, interval_sec=0.5 ): """ wait until the process has taken the ports before timeouts :return: True if all ports are used by the specific process. False, otherwise """ curr_wait_sec = 0 while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: used_port_num = 0 for curr_port in ports: if oper.is_process_used_port(process_path, curr_port): used_port_num += 1 else: break if used_port_num != len(ports): curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) else: return True return False
[docs]def wait_until_process_killed( process_path, ports, max_wait_sec=10, interval_sec=0.5 ): """ wait until the [process] does not exists and all [ports] are free :param process_path: process cwd :param ports: port list :param interval_sec: state check interval :return: True if all conditions meet. """ curr_wait_sec = 0 while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: # check process if False == wait_until_process_not_exist( process_path, max_wait_sec, interval_sec ): curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) continue # check ports not_used_port_num = 0 for curr_port in ports: if not oper.is_process_used_port(process_path, curr_port): not_used_port_num += 1 else: break if not_used_port_num != len(ports): curr_wait_sec += interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) else: return True return False
def _wait_until_return(func, boolean, max_wait_sec, interval_sec=0.5, *args, **kwargs ): """ wait until function return [boolean] """ curr_wait_sec = 0 while curr_wait_sec < max_wait_sec: if func(*args, **kwargs) == boolean: return True else: time.sleep(interval_sec) curr_wait_sec += interval_sec return False def wait_return_true(func, max_wait_sec, interval_sec=0.5, *args, **kwargs): """ wait until func return true or max_wait_sec passes. """ return _wait_until_return( func, True, max_wait_sec, interval_sec, *args, **kwargs ) def wait_return_false(func, max_wait_sec, interval_sec=0.5, *args, **kwargs): """ wait until func return False or max_wait_sec passes. """ return _wait_until_return( func, False, max_wait_sec, interval_sec, *args, **kwargs ) def __check_reg_str_contain(file_reader, reg_str): """ check if any line matches the reg_str :param file_reader: FileReade Object :return: return True if found """ file_content = lines = file_content.splitlines() for line in lines: if, line): return True return False class FileReader(object): """ this class is used to read file incremental """ def __init__(self, file_path): self.file_path = file_path self.pos = 0 def read(self, max_read_size=None): """ read from last position :param max_read_size: maximum reading length :return: content read """ # whether the file exist if not os.path.isfile(self.file_path): return "" ret = "" with open(self.file_path) as fp:, os.SEEK_END) size = fp.tell() if size >= self.pos:, os.SEEK_SET) if (max_read_size is None) or (max_read_size > (size - self.pos)): max_read_size = size - self.pos ret = self.pos = self.pos + len(ret) else: # may be a new file with the same name, os.SEEK_SET) if (max_read_size is None) or (max_read_size > size): max_read_size = size ret = self.pos = len(ret) return ret