Source code for cup.res.mac

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# Authors: shouc (
# Modifier: Guannan Ma (@mythmgn)
# copyright:
#    Copyright [CUP] - See LICENSE for details.
query mac resource module
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import time
import collections

import psutil

from cup import unittest
from cup import decorators

__all__ = [
    'get_kernel_version', 'get_cpu_nums',
    'get_disk_usage_all', 'get_disk_info'


class CPUInfo(collections.namedtuple('CPUInfo', _CPU_COLUMNS)):
    CPUInfo is used for get_cpu_usage function. The following attr will be
    in the namedtuple:


        import cup
        # count cpu usage
        from cup.res import linux
        cpuinfo = mac.get_cpu_usage(intvl_in_sec=60)
        print cpuinfo.usr

class MemInfo(collections.namedtuple('vmem', _MEM_COLUMNS)):
    wired (BSD, macOS): memory that is marked to always stay in RAM.
                It is never moved to disk.

[docs]def get_kernel_version(): """ get kernel info of mac. e.g.('16', '7', '0'): """ @decorators.needmac def _get_kernel_version(): versions = os.uname()[2] return tuple([info for info in versions.split('.')]) return _get_kernel_version()
[docs]def get_cpu_nums(): """ return cpu num """ @decorators.needmac def _get_cpu_nums(): return os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN") return _get_cpu_nums()
[docs]def get_disk_usage_all(raw=False): """ :param raw: measure set to Byte if Raw is True :return: a py dict: { 'totalSpace': xxx, 'usedSpace': xxx, 'freeSpace': xxx, 'unit': xxx } """ @decorators.needmac def _get_disk_usage_all(raw=False): byte2gb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 byte2mb = 1024 * 1024 stat = os.statvfs("/") free = stat.f_bavail * stat.f_frsize total = stat.f_blocks * stat.f_frsize unit = "Byte" if not raw: if total > byte2gb: free, total = \ free / byte2gb, total / byte2gb unit = "GB" elif total > byte2mb: free, total = \ free / byte2mb, total / byte2mb unit = "MB" return { "totalSpace": total, "usedSpace": total - free, "freeSpace": free, "unit":unit } return _get_disk_usage_all(raw)
[docs]def get_disk_info(): """ :return: get disk info from the current macOS :raise Exception: RuntimeError, if got no disk at all """ @decorators.needmac def _get_disk_info(): info = os.popen("df -lh") all_diskinfo = [] for line in enumerate(info.readlines()): if line[0] != 0: blockinfo = [] for block in line[1].split(" "): if len(block) != 0: blockinfo.append(block) all_diskinfo.append({ "FileSystem": blockinfo[0], "Size": blockinfo[1], "Used": blockinfo[2], "Available": blockinfo[3], "Percentage": blockinfo[4], }) else: continue try: return all_diskinfo except: raise RuntimeError("couldn't find disk")
def get_cpu_usage(intvl_in_sec=1): """ get cpu usage statistics during a time period (intvl_in_sec), return a namedtuple CPUInfo """ unittest.assert_gt(intvl_in_sec, 0) ret = [] for i in range(0, len(_CPU_COLUMNS)): ret.append(0) cpu_info0 = psutil.cpu_times() time.sleep(intvl_in_sec) cpu_info1 = psutil.cpu_times() total = float(0.0) for i in range(0, len(cpu_info1)): minus = float(cpu_info1[i]) - float(cpu_info0[i]) total = total + minus ret[i] = minus for i in range(0, len(ret)): ret[i] = ret[i] * 100 / total return CPUInfo(*ret) def get_meminfo(): """get mem info of mac""" meminfo = psutil.virtual_memory() return MemInfo(, meminfo.available, meminfo.percent, meminfo.used,,, meminfo.inactive, meminfo.wired ) def get_net_through(str_interface): """ get net through Raise ValueError if interface does not exists """ try: net_trans = psutil.net_io_counters(True)[str_interface] except KeyError: raise ValueError('interface {0} not exist'.format(str_interface)) return (int(net_trans.bytes_recv), int(net_trans.bytes_sent)) def get_net_transmit_speed(str_interface, intvl_in_sec=1): """get network interface write/read speed""" decorators.needmac(True) unittest.assert_gt(intvl_in_sec, 0) rx_bytes0 = get_net_through(str_interface)[0] time.sleep(intvl_in_sec) rx_bytes1 = get_net_through(str_interface)[0] return (rx_bytes1 - rx_bytes0) / intvl_in_sec def get_net_recv_speed(str_interface, intvl_in_sec): """ get average network recv-speed during a time period (intvl_in_sec) """ decorators.needmac(True) unittest.assert_gt(intvl_in_sec, 0) tx_bytes0 = get_net_through(str_interface)[1] time.sleep(intvl_in_sec) tx_bytes1 = get_net_through(str_interface)[1] return (tx_bytes1 - tx_bytes0) / intvl_in_sec if '__main__' == __name__: # system info print(get_cpu_nums()) print(get_kernel_version()) print(get_disk_usage_all()) print(get_disk_info())