Source code for cup.log

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright: [CUP] - See LICENSE for details.
# Authors: Guannan Ma (@mythmgn),
    common log related module
# pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding,broad-except
from __future__ import print_function

__all__ = [
    'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'critical',
    'init_comlog', 'setloglevel', 'ROTATION', 'INFINITE',
    'reinit_comlog', 'parse',
    'backtrace_info', 'backtrace_debug', 'backtrace_error',
    'info_if', 'debug_if', 'warn_if', 'error_if', 'critical_if',

    # x* functions are for loggers other than logging.root (the global logger)
    'xinit_comlog', 'xdebug', 'xinfo', 'xwarn', 'xerror', 'xcritical'

import os
import re
import sys
import time
import logging
from logging import handlers
import threading
import collections

import cup
from cup import err
from cup import platforms


DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
INFO = logging.INFO
ERROR = logging.ERROR

info =
warn = logging.warning
warning = logging.warning
error = logging.error
debug = logging.debug
critical = logging.critical

LoggerParams = collections.namedtuple('LoggerParams', [
    'loglevel',   # one of logging.INFO logging.DEBUG levels
    'logfile',    # valid logfile position,  e.g.   /home/test/test.log
    'logtype',    # log.ROTATION  log.INFINITE
    'maxlogsize', # logsize for one log, in bytes
    'bprint_console', # True, logger will printn to stdout, False, otherwise
    'gen_wf'          # True/False, generate log lines with level >= WARNNING

class _Singleton:  # pylint: disable=R0903
    internal use for logging.  Plz use @Singoleton in cup.decorators
    _LOCK = threading.Lock()

    def __init__(self, cls):
        self.__instance = None
        self.__cls = cls

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
        if self.__instance is None:
            self.__instance = self.__cls(*args, **kwargs)
        return self.__instance

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class _MsgFilter(logging.Filter):
    Msg filters by log levels
    # pylint: disable= super-init-not-called
    def __init__(self, msg_level=logging.WARNING):
        self.msg_level = msg_level

    def filter(self, record):
        if record.levelno >= self.msg_level:
            return False
        return True

class LogInitializer:
    default log initalizer
    # def config_filelogger(self,
    #     logger, loglevel, strlogfile, logtype,
    #     maxsize, bprint_console, gen_wf=False
    # ):  # too many arg pylint: disable=R0913
    # pylint:disable=too-many-locals
    def setup_filelogger(cls, logger, logparams):
        config logger
        loglevel = logparams.loglevel
        strlogfile = logparams.logfile
        logtype = logparams.logtype
        maxsize = logparams.maxlogsize
        bprint_console = logparams.bprint_console
        gen_wf = logparams.gen_wf
        if not os.path.exists(strlogfile):
                if platforms.is_linux():
                    # for py2 compatibility use

                    with open(strlogfile, 'w+') as fhandle:
            except IOError as errinfo:
                raise IOError(
                    'logfile does not exist. '
                    'try to create it. but file creation failed'
                ) from errinfo
        # '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(message)s'
        tznum = time.strftime('%z')
        tzkey = time.strftime('%Z')
        formatter = logging.Formatter(
            fmt='%(levelname)s:\t %(asctime)s {0}({1}) * '
            '[%(process)d:%(thread)x] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)s] %(message)s'
            .format(tznum, tzkey)
        if bprint_console:
            info('bprint_console enabled, will print to stdout')
            streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler()
        fdhandler = None
        if logtype == ROTATION:
            fdhandler = handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
                strlogfile, 'a', maxsize, ROTATION_COUNTS, encoding='utf-8'
            fdhandler = logging.FileHandler(
                strlogfile, 'a', encoding='utf-8'
        if gen_wf:
            # add .wf handler
            file_wf = str(strlogfile) + '.wf'
            warn_handler = logging.FileHandler(file_wf, 'a', encoding='utf-8')

    def proc_thd_id(cls):
        """return proc thread id"""
        return '{0}:{1}'.format(
            os.getpid(), threading.current_thread().ident

    def get_codeline(cls, back=0):
        """get code line"""
        return sys._getframe(back + 1).f_lineno  # traceback pylint:disable=W0212

    def get_codefile(cls, back=0):
        get code file
        # pylint: disable=W0212
        # to get code filename
        return os.path.basename(sys._getframe(back + 1).f_code.co_filename)

    def log_file_func_info(cls, msg, back_trace_len=0):
        """return log traceback info"""
        tempmsg = ' * [%s] [%s:%s] ' % (
            cls.proc_thd_id(), cls.get_codefile(2 + back_trace_len),
            cls.get_codeline(2 + back_trace_len)
        msg = '{0}{1}'.format(tempmsg, msg)
        if platforms.is_py2():
            # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
            if isinstance(msg, unicode):
                return msg
            return msg.decode('utf8')
        return msg

# pylint: disable=R0903
class _RootLogerMan:
    _instance = None
    _rootlogger = None
    _b_rotation = False
    _logfile = ''
    _logtype = ROTATION
    _loggername = None

    def __init__(self):

    def get_rootlogger(self):
        get default(root) logger
        if self._rootlogger is None:
            raise err.LoggerException(
                'The Cup logger has not been initalized Yet. '
                'Call init_comlog first'
        return self._rootlogger

    def set_rootlogger(self, loggername, logger):
        set default(root) logger with a new loggername
        if self._rootlogger is not None:
            raise err.LoggerException(
                """WARNING!!! The cup logger has been initalized already\
                .Plz do NOT init_comlog twice""")
        self._rootlogger = logger
        self._loggername = loggername

    def reset_rootlogger(self, logger):
        """reset root logger"""
        global G_INITED_LOGGER
        tmplogger = self._rootlogger
        while len(tmplogger.handlers) > 0:
        del tmplogger
        self._rootlogger = logger
        logging.root = logger

    def is_initalized(self):
            Initialized or not
        if self._rootlogger is None:
            return False
        return True

# too many arg pylint: disable=R0913
[docs]def init_comlog(loggername, loglevel=logging.INFO, logfile='cup.log', logtype=ROTATION, maxlogsize=1073741824, bprint_console=False, gen_wf=False): """ Initialize your default logger :param loggername: Unique logger name for default logging. :param loglevel: 4 default levels: log.DEBUG log.INFO log.ERROR log.CRITICAL :param logfile: log file. Will try to create it if no existence :param logtype: Two type candidiates: log.ROTATION and log.INFINITE log.ROTATION will let logfile switch to a new one (30 files at most). When logger reaches the 30th logfile, will overwrite from the oldest to the most recent. log.INFINITE will write on the logfile infinitely :param maxlogsize: maxmum log size with byte :param b_printcmd: print to stdout or not? :param gen_wf: print log msges with level >= WARNING to file (${logfile}.wf) *E.g.* :: import logging from cup import log log.init_comlog( 'test', log.DEBUG, '/home/work/test/test.log', log.ROTATION, 1024, False )'test xxx') log.critical('test critical') """ loggerman = _RootLogerMan() rootloger = logging.getLogger() if not loggerman.is_initalized(): loggerman.set_rootlogger(loggername, rootloger) if os.path.exists(logfile) is False: if platforms.is_linux(): os.mknod(logfile) else: with open(logfile, 'w+') as fhandle: fhandle.write('\n') elif os.path.isfile(logfile) is False: raise err.LoggerException( 'The log file exists. But it\'s not regular file' ) loggerparams = LoggerParams( loglevel, logfile, logtype, maxlogsize, bprint_console, gen_wf ) LogInitializer.setup_filelogger(rootloger, loggerparams) info('-' * 20 + 'Log Initialized Successfully' + '-' * 20) global G_INITED_LOGGER G_INITED_LOGGER.append(loggername) else: print('[{0}:{1}] init_comlog has been already initalized'.format( LogInitializer.get_codefile(1), LogInitializer.get_codeline(1) ))
# too many arg pylint: disable=R0913
[docs]def reinit_comlog(loggername, loglevel=logging.INFO, logfile='cup.log', logtype=ROTATION, maxlogsize=1073741824, bprint_console=False, gen_wf=False): """ reinitialize default root logger for cup logging :param loggername: logger name, should be different from the original one """ global G_INITED_LOGGER if loggername in G_INITED_LOGGER: msg = ('loggername:{0} has been already used!!! Change a name'.format( loggername)) raise ValueError(msg) G_INITED_LOGGER.append(loggername) tmplogger = logging.getLogger(loggername) if os.path.exists(logfile) is False: if platforms.is_linux(): os.mknod(logfile) else: with open(logfile, 'w+') as fhandle: fhandle.write('\n') elif os.path.isfile(logfile) is False: raise err.LoggerException( 'The log file exists. But it\'s not regular file' ) loggerman = _RootLogerMan() loggerparms = LoggerParams( loglevel, logfile, logtype, maxlogsize, bprint_console, gen_wf ) LogInitializer.setup_filelogger(tmplogger, loggerparms) loggerman.reset_rootlogger(tmplogger) info('-' * 20 + 'Log Reinitialized Successfully' + '-' * 20) return
def _fail_handle(msg, e): if platforms.is_py2(): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if not isinstance(msg, unicode): msg = msg.decode('utf8') print('{0}\nerror:{1}'.format(msg, e)) elif platforms.is_py3(): print('{0}\nerror:{1}'.format(msg, e))
[docs]def backtrace_info(msg, back_trace_len=0): """ info with backtrace support """ try: msg = LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len) loggerman = _RootLogerMan() loggerman.get_rootlogger().info(msg) except err.LoggerException: return except Exception as errinfo: _fail_handle(msg, errinfo)
[docs]def backtrace_debug(msg, back_trace_len=0): """ debug with backtrace support """ try: msg = LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len) loggerman = _RootLogerMan() loggerman.get_rootlogger().debug(msg) except err.LoggerException: return except Exception as errinfo: _fail_handle(msg, errinfo)
def backtrace_warn(msg, back_trace_len=0): """ warning msg with backtrace support """ try: msg = LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len) loggerman = _RootLogerMan() loggerman.get_rootlogger().warning(msg) except err.LoggerException: return # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as errinfo: _fail_handle(msg, errinfo)
[docs]def backtrace_error(msg, back_trace_len=0): """ error msg with backtarce support """ try: msg = LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len) loggerman = _RootLogerMan() loggerman.get_rootlogger().error(msg) except err.LoggerException: return except Exception as errinfo: _fail_handle(msg, errinfo)
[docs]def backtrace_critical(msg, back_trace_len=0): """ logging.CRITICAL with backtrace support """ try: msg = LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len) loggerman = _RootLogerMan() loggerman.get_rootlogger().critical(msg) except err.LoggerException: return # pylint:disable=broad-except except Exception as errinfo: _fail_handle(msg, errinfo)
[docs]def setloglevel(logginglevel): """ change log level during runtime :: from cup import log log.setloglevel(log.DEBUG) """ loggerman = _RootLogerMan() loggerman.get_rootlogger().setLevel(logginglevel)
[docs]def parse(logline): """ return a dict if the line is valid. Otherwise, return None :raise Exception: ValueError if logline is invalid :: dict_info:= { 'loglevel': 'DEBUG', 'date': '2015-10-14', 'time': '16:12:22,924', 'pid': 8808, 'tid': 1111111, 'srcline': '', 'msg': 'this is the log content', 'tznum': 8, 'tzstr': 'CST' } """ content = logline[logline.rfind(']') + 1:].strip() # content = content[(content.find(']') + 1):] # content = content[(content.find(']') + 1):].strip() regex = re.compile('[ \t]+') items = regex.split(logline) loglevel, date, time_, timezone, _, pid_tid, src = items[0:7] pid, tid = pid_tid.strip('[]').split(':') tznum, tzkey = timezone.strip('+)').split('(') try: return { 'loglevel': loglevel.strip(':'), 'date': date, 'time': time_, 'pid': pid, 'tid': tid, 'srcline': src.strip('[]'), 'msg': content, 'tznum': int(tznum), 'tzkey': tzkey } # pylint: disable = W0703 except Exception as errinfo: raise ValueError(errinfo) from errinfo
[docs]def info_if(bol, msg, back_trace_len=1): """log msg with info loglevel if bol is true""" if bol: info(msg, back_trace_len)
[docs]def error_if(bol, msg, back_trace_len=1): """log msg with error loglevel if bol is true""" if bol: error(msg, back_trace_len)
[docs]def warn_if(bol, msg, back_trace_len=1): """log msg with error loglevel if bol is true""" if bol: warn(msg, back_trace_len)
[docs]def critical_if(bol, msg, back_trace_len=1): """log msg with critical loglevel if bol is true""" if bol: critical(msg, back_trace_len)
[docs]def debug_if(bol, msg, back_trace_len=1): """log msg with critical loglevel if bol is true""" if bol: debug(msg, back_trace_len)
[docs]def xinit_comlog(loggername, logger_params): """ xinit_comlog along with xdebug xinfo xwarn xerror are functions for different loggers other than logging.root (the global logger). :param loggername: loggername, example: http.access, :param logger_params: object of LoggerParams Code example: :: logparams = log.LoggerParams( log.DEBUG, 'cup.x.log', log.ROTATION, 100 * 1024 * 1024, True, True ) log.xinit_comlog('log.x', logparams) log.xdebug('log.x', 'xdebug') log.xinfo('log.x', 'xinfo') log.xerror('log.x', 'xerror') logparams = log.LoggerParams( log.DEBUG, 'cup.y.log', log.ROTATION, 100 * 1024 * 1024, True, True ) log.xinit_comlog('log.y', logparams) log.xdebug('log.y', 'ydebug') log.xinfo('log.y', 'yinfo') log.xerror('log.y', 'yerror') """ if not isinstance(logger_params, LoggerParams): raise TypeError('logger_params should be a object of log.LoggerParams') logger = logging.getLogger(loggername) LogInitializer.setup_filelogger(logger, logger_params)
[docs]def xdebug(loggername, msg, back_trace_len=1): """ :param loggername: shoule be xinit_comlog before calling xdebug/xinfo/xerror/xcritical :param msg: log msg :back_trace_len: 1 by default, ignore this if you don't need this """ logger = logging.getLogger(loggername) logger.debug(LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len))
[docs]def xinfo(loggername, msg, back_trace_len=1): """ :param loggername: shoule be xinit_comlog before calling xdebug/xinfo/xerror/xcritical :param msg: log msg :back_trace_len: default 1, just ignore this param if you don't know what it is. This param will trace back 1 layer and get the [code_filename:code_lines] """ logger = logging.getLogger(loggername), back_trace_len))
[docs]def xwarn(loggername, msg, back_trace_len=1): """ :param loggername: shoule be xinit_comlog before calling xdebug/xinfo/xerror/xcritical :param msg: log msg :back_trace_len: default 1, just ignore this param if you don't know what it is. This param will trace back 1 layer and get the [code_filename:code_lines] """ logger = logging.getLogger(loggername) logger.warning(LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len))
[docs]def xerror(loggername, msg, back_trace_len=1): """ :param loggername: shoule be xinit_comlog before calling xdebug/xinfo/xerror/xcritical :param msg: log msg :back_trace_len: default 1, just ignore this param if you don't know what it is. This param will trace back 1 layer and get the [code_filename:code_lines] """ logger = logging.getLogger(loggername) logger.error(LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len))
[docs]def xcritical(loggername, msg, back_trace_len=1): """ :param loggername: shoule be xinit_comlog before calling xdebug/xinfo/xerror/xcritical :param msg: log msg :back_trace_len: default 1, just ignore this param if you don't know what it is. This param will trace back 1 layer and get the [code_filename:code_lines] """ logger = logging.getLogger(loggername) logger.critical(LogInitializer.log_file_func_info(msg, back_trace_len))
if __name__ == '__main__': cup.log.debug('中文') cup.log.init_comlog( 'test', cup.log.DEBUG, './test.log', cup.log.ROTATION, 102400000, False ) cup.log.init_comlog( 'test', cup.log.DEBUG, './test.log', cup.log.ROTATION, 102400000, False )'test info') cup.log.debug('test debug')'中文'.decode('utf8')) cup.log.reinit_comlog( 're-test', cup.log.DEBUG, './re.test.log', cup.log.ROTATION, 102400000, False ) cup.log.reinit_comlog( 're-test', cup.log.DEBUG, './re.test.log', cup.log.ROTATION, 102400000, False )'re:test info') cup.log.debug('re:test debug') cup.log.debug('re:中文') # vi:set tw=0 ts=4 sw=4 nowrap fdm=indent