Source code for cup.exfile

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright: [CUP] - See LICENSE for details.
# Authors: Guannan Ma (@mythmgn),
    file related functions
import os
import sys
import copy
import shutil

from cup import err
from cup import decorators
from cup import platforms

__all__ = [
    'FILELOCK_NONBLOCKING', 'FILELOCK_UNLOCK', 'mk_newnode', 'safe_rmtree',


if platforms.is_linux() or platforms.is_mac():
    import fcntl
elif platforms.is_windows():
    import msvcrt

    def file_size(fobj):
        """win file size"""
        return os.path.getsize(os.path.realpath( )

    def win_lockfile(fobj, blocking=True):
        """win lock file"""
        flags = msvcrt.LK_RLCK
        if not blocking:
            flags = msvcrt.LK_NBRLCK
        msvcrt.locking(fobj.fileno(), flags, file_size(fobj))

    def win_unlockfile(fobj):
        """win unlock file"""
        msvcrt.locking(fobj.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_UNLCK, file_size(fobj))

[docs]class LockFile(object): """ Lock file in order to prevent others from trying to lock it again Code Example: :: from cup import exfile filelock = exfile.LockFile() # xxxx do something filelock.lock(blocking=True) # xxxxx do something else filelock.unlock() """ def __init__(self, fpath, locktype=FILELOCK_EXCLUSIVE): """ exclusive lockfile, by default. Notice that the file CANNOT exist before you intialize a LockFile obj. Otherwise, it will raise cup.err.LockFileError Plz notice that on windows, cup only support EXCLUSIVE lock :raise: cup.err.LockFileError if we encounter errors """ self._fpath = fpath self._locktype = locktype self._fhandle = None try: self._fhandle = self._fpath, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR ) except IOError as error: raise err.LockFileError(error) except OSError as error: raise err.LockFileError(error) except Exception as error: raise err.LockFileError( 'catch unkown error type:{0}'.format(error) ) def __del__(self): """del the instance""" try: if self._fhandle is not None: os.close(self._fhandle) # pylint: disable=W0703 except Exception as error: sys.stderr.write('failed to close lockfile:{0}, msg:{1}'.format( self._fpath, error) ) sys.stderr.flush()
[docs] @decorators.needposix def lock(self, blocking=True): """ lock the file :param blocking: If blocking is True, will block there until cup gets the lock. True by default. :return: return False if locking fails :raise Exception: raise cup.err.LockFileError if blocking is False and the lock action failed """ if platforms.is_linux() or platforms.is_mac(): flags = 0x1 if FILELOCK_SHARED == self._locktype: flags = FILELOCK_SHARED elif FILELOCK_EXCLUSIVE == self._locktype: flags = FILELOCK_EXCLUSIVE else: raise err.LockFileError('does not support this lock type') if not blocking: flags |= FILELOCK_NONBLOCKING ret = None try: ret = fcntl.flock(self._fhandle, flags) except IOError as error: raise err.LockFileError(error) except Exception as error: raise err.LockFileError(error) return ret elif platforms.is_windows(): win_lockfile(self._fhandle, blocking)
[docs] def unlock(self): """unlock the locked file""" if platforms.is_linux() or platforms.is_mac(): try: fcntl.flock(self._fhandle, FILELOCK_UNLOCK) except Exception as error: raise err.LockFileError(error) elif platforms.is_windows(): win_unlockfile(self._fhandle)
[docs] def filepath(self): """ return filepath """ return self._fpath
[docs]def mk_newnode(abspath, check_exsistence=False): """ make new file node for abspath :param abspath: plz use absolute path. Not relative path :param check_exsistence: if True, will check if the abspath existence ( raise IOError if abspath exists) :raise Exception: IOError """ if check_exsistence: if os.path.exists(abspath): raise IOError('{0} already exists'.format(abspath)) with open(abspath, 'w+') as _: pass
[docs]def safe_rmtree(abspath, not_del_list=None): """ the function will safely remove files/dirs of abspath with not_del_list excluded :param abspath: pass in absolute path :param not_del_list: cannot del path list :raise Exception: ValueError, if abspath is in exfile.CANNOT_DEL_PATHLIST or not_del_list IOError, if cup encounters any problem """ normpath = os.path.normpath(abspath) tmplist = copy.deepcopy(CANNOT_DEL_PATHLIST) if not_del_list is not None: tmplist.extend(not_del_list) if abspath in tmplist: raise ValueError( 'cannot delete path in {0}'.format(tmplist) ) shutil.rmtree(normpath)
[docs]def safe_delete(abspath, not_del_list): """ the function will safely delete file/object of abspath. If the abspath in not_del_list, safe delete will raise ValueError :param abspath: pass in absolute path :param not_del_list: cannot del path list :raise Exception: ValueError, if abspath is in exfile.CANNOT_DEL_PATHLIST or not_del_list IOError, if cup encounters any problem """ normpath = os.path.normpath(abspath) if normpath in not_del_list: raise ValueError('cannot delete files in {0}'.format(not_del_list)) if os.path.isdir(abspath): safe_rmtree(abspath, not_del_list) else: os.unlink(abspath)
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