Source code for cup.util.typechecker

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright: See LICENSE for details.
# Authors: Guannan Ma (@mythmgn),
    check type and return True or False
from cup.util import misc

[docs]def check_type(param, expect): """ check type of the param is as the same as expect's :raise: raise TypeError if it's not the same """ if type(param) != expect: raise TypeError('TypeError. Expect:%s, got %s' % (expect, type(param)))
[docs]def raise_error(param, expect_type): """ raise type error if the type(param) != expect_type :raise: TypeError """ misc.check_type(param, expect_type)
[docs]def raise_ifnone(param): """ raise NameError if param is None """ if param is None: raise NameError('The param has not been set before access')
[docs]def check_not_none(param): """ check param is not None :raise: NameError if param is None """ if param is None: raise NameError('The param has not been set before access')
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