Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# Copyright: [CUP] - See LICENSE for details.
# Authors: Guannan Ma (@mythmgn),
    buffer pool
import threading

from cup import platforms

SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE = 4096 # 4kb
MEDIUM_BLOCK_SIZE = (128 + 4) * 1024   # (128 + 4) K
LARGE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024 + SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE  # 1M + 4K


[docs]class Buffer(object): """ Buffer object which you get from BufferPool.allocate(num). A **Buffer** consists of several bytearrays which is mutable compared to a normal **str**. In other words, if you have senarios like: allocte mem and deallocte mem frenquently. With high chance you can replace directly using str by Buffer. It will reduce the memory fragments. """ def __init__(self, items, block_size, uniqid): self._items = items self._block_size = block_size self._num = len(items) self._length = 0 self._uniqid = uniqid self._maxsize = block_size * self._num
[docs] def set(self, content, encoding='utf8'): """ set content to buffers :return: return (True, None) if succeed. return (False, error_msg) otherwise """ if platforms.is_py3(): content = content.encode(encoding) length = len(content) ind = 0 item_ind = 0 if length > self._block_size * self._num: return (False, 'content size > Buffer size') while ind < length: if (ind + self._block_size) <= (length - 1): loop_size = self._block_size else: loop_size = length - ind self._items[item_ind].extend(content[ind: loop_size]) item_ind += 1 ind += loop_size self._length = length return (True, None)
[docs] def get(self): """ return (True, (blocks, block_size, total_length, encoding)) if succeed Otherwise, return (False, err_msg, None) """ rev = None if self._length != 0: rev = (True, (self._items, self._block_size, self._length)) else: rev = (False, ('not initialized yet', self._block_size, None)) return rev
[docs] def get_uniq_id(self): """ return the uniqid for this object """ return self._uniqid
[docs] def get_byte_arrays(self): """ get byte arrays in the buffer """ return self._items
[docs] def maxsize(self): """return how many unicode/str you can set to the buffer""" return self._maxsize
[docs] def length(self): """return the length you have used for the buffer""" return self._length
# pylint: disable=R0902
[docs]class BufferPool(object): """ Buffer pool class which will ease memory fragment. """ def __init__( self, pool_size, block_size=MEDIUM_BLOCK_SIZE, extendable=False ): if block_size not in ( SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE, MEDIUM_BLOCK_SIZE, LARGE_BLOCK_SIZE ): raise ValueError( 'block_size should be buffers.SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE' ' or buffers.MEDIUM_BLOCK_SIZE or buffers.LARGE_BLOCK_SIZE' ) # TODO If extendable, we should expand the pool self._extendable = extendable self._lock = threading.Lock() self._free_list = [] self._used_dict = {} self._pool_size = pool_size self._used_num = 0 self._free_num = self._pool_size - self._used_num self._block_size = block_size self._uniqid = 0 self._block_size = block_size for _ in range(0, self._pool_size): self._free_list.append(bytearray(self._block_size))
[docs] def allocate(self, num): """ acclocate buff with num * block_size :return: (True, Buffer object) (False, str_error_msg) """ ret = None self._lock.acquire() if num > self._free_num: ret = (False, 'not enough free buffer available') else: uniqid = threading.current_thread().ident ind = self._free_num - num buff = Buffer( self._free_list[ind: self._free_num], self._block_size, uniqid ) ret = (True, buff) self._used_dict[uniqid] = ret[1] del self._free_list[ind: self._free_num] self._free_num -= num self._used_num += num self._lock.release() return ret
[docs] def deallocate(self, buff): """ return the acclocated buff back to the pool """ if buff is None: return False self._lock.acquire() uniqid = buff.get_uniq_id() if uniqid not in self._used_dict: raise ValueError('this buff is not in the pool!!!') byte_arrays = buff.get_byte_arrays() length = len(byte_arrays) self._free_list.extend(byte_arrays) del self._used_dict[uniqid] del buff self._used_num -= length self._free_num += length self._lock.release() return True
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